Education Minister discusses 'language problem' with mayors

Skopje, January 14 (MIA) - Education minister Nikola Todorov had a meeting Thursday with the mayors of Tetovo, Gostivar, Aracinovo and Zelino municipalities, dedicated to the resistance of first-grade ethnic Albanian pupils to learn Macedonian language, starting from the second half of this school year.

A boycott of classes over this matter is also announced - about 14,000 signatures have been collected thus far in support of the resistance.

- I have asked the mayors to work together and not allow boycotting of the classes, as it will not resolve but further complicate the problem, Todorov told A1TV.

He pointed out that learning of languages aimed at eliminating the lingual barriers.

Learning of Macedonian language, which is an official one in the entire country, is in line with the integrating character of the Framework Agreement and OSCE recommendations for an integrated educational system and learning of the languages of other communities, he said.

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