Mutually acceptable solution possible only through Belgrade-Pristina dialogue - President Tadic

Belgrade, 24 November 2010 (MIA) - Serbian President Boris Tadic in an interview with a Russian TV station has stated that a compromise and mutually acceptable solution could be reached only through dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

"I think that this dialogue is essential. Dialogue can result in a solution. There are contradictions between Serbs and Albanians, not between Serbia and Kosovo, because we do not recognise the independence of Kosovo," he said.

When asked what was Serbia's priority - Kosovo or EU membership, Tadic replied: "When I was elected as president for the first time, I had two basic strategic goals: EU membership and preserving the territorial sovereignty and integrity."

The President has warned that the Kosovo issue was not simply an issue between Albanians and Serbs. "It's an issue that is part of regional policy taking into consideration that it might become a precedent, which could cause many problems in the world."

Kosovo being a global issue was confirmed with the fact that "the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo has been recognised by only 80 out of 191 UN members", according to him.

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