Business Academy Smilevski - BAS opens

Skopje, July 3 (MIA) - The first higher vocational school Business Academy Smilevski - BAS was opened Thursday in Skopje, offering the possibility for studies in the field of business management together with student practice.

A total of 65 students are to be enrolled in 2008/2009, 45 of whom in Skopje, and 20 in Bitola. BAS will offer three-year studies in the field of business management - entrepreneur, sales agent, and business secretary. The academy will introduce an original study programme based on Macedonia's business reality.

"We open an academy, where we will resolve economic problems together with the students. Through our work, we are ready to recognize changes in the Macedonian business", said BAS manager Gorazd Smilevski.

The main goal of the studies is to train professional business associates for a managerial team in developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as business associates for supervisory and medium managerial level in big companies.

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