Minister Pavleski at business forum “Day of Southeast Europe” in Germany

Skopje, 12 March 2012 (MIA) – Minister of Foreign Investment Bill Pavleski Monday takes part at the business forum titled “Day of Southeast Europe” in Kemnitz organised by the German Chamber of Commerce.

Pavleski in his address referred to global business trends, their influence on competitiveness of the German companies and to the Republic of Macedonia as ideal location which offers most favourable fiscal, tax and operational opportunities which improve companies’ economies making them more competitive and more profitable at global market, Government’s press office reports.

Pavleski presented the commercial business plan America – Europe – Asia, global flat market, which is named by Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business School, and its influence on German companies. He called German businessmen to visit Macedonia and to use its competitive advantages and to invest, Government’s press release reads.

He presented the Republic of Macedonia as fast-growing economy and third best reformer in the world according to the evaluation by the World Bank 2012 Doing Business Report.

Introducing the investors with economic policies and investment opportunities, Pavleski referred to macroeconomic stability, favorable tax system, modern administrative and regulatory reforms and efforts made by the government in education and active measures in increase of labour force skills. He also pointed out the advantages of locations, transportation and logistics which Macedonia offers to potential investors, reads the press release.

Officials of 40 companies in the spheres of automotive and agriculture industry, construction, mining, environment and resource management, management of geothermal resources and biomass production participate at the forum.

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