President Thaci against calls on opposition to support Kosovo - Montenegro border demarcation

Pristina, 24 August 2016 (MIA) - Kosovan President Hashim Thaci again called on the opposition to support the proposed border demarcation treaty with Montenegro, after a bomb blast aimed at the public TV station was allegedly set by opponents of the agreement.

"The closer we come to the day of the Parliament session when we are supposed to ratify the agreement, the more Kosovo shows its determination to follow a Euro-Atlantic path. Newly presented facts show that we have made no concessions regarding the border, and not a square meter of territory was ceded to Montenegro", Thaci wrote through his social media accounts.

He blamed opponents of the deal, from the Kosovan opposition, of doing so for personal and political gain. The Thaci led coalition does not have enough votes in Parliament to ratify the treaty and needs support from the opposition on 1 September, when the vote is set. United States and European Union called on the members of Parliament to support the deal that may also affect Montenegro's process of joining NATO.

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