Austria says it will not allow Turkish interference in its elections

Berlin, 20 August 2017 (MIA) - Austria will not allow Turkish interference in its political process, said Austrian Foreign Affairs Minister Sebastian Kurz, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements regarding the General elections.
"In case Erdogan or some of his minister intend to interfere similarly in the upcoming Austrian general elections, I want to say it outright that we will not allow such interference", said Kurz.
President Erdogan called on Turks in Germany not to vote for the three largest parties - the main competitors CDU and SPD or the Green party - saying that they are disrespectful of Turkey. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel called Erdogan's statement a rude interference in German politics in the run up to the September's elections, and Erdogan responded with a question "who are you? know your limits". Erdogan was angered when European countries prevented his party officials from campaigning in the run up to the Turkish constitutional referendum.

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