Голи на Инстаграм: Овие убавици пркосат на сите правила

Инстаграм има строги правила во однос на фотографиите кои се објавуваат, особено ако станува збор за голо женско тело – и најмал сомнеж дека се прикажани генитални или брадавици доволно е сликата да биде отстранета.

Како и секогаш за некои луѓе овие забрани претставуваат предизвик за нивната креативност и можност за заобиколување на правилата. Се појавуваат се повеќе и повеќе профили во кои жените објавуваат фотографии од нивното голо тело, каде е постигнат совршен баланс помеѓу правилата на Инстаграм и она што е прикажано на фотографијата.

Иако тие содржи многу еротски и „скокотливи“ моменти, пред сè преовладува нивната уметничка димензија. Како изгледаат тие профили?

If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?! ❤ I think the question above is a good reminder... Are we positive or negative. If you are someone who always finds something good to say about others, I'm sure that they will find something good to say about you too. ❤ When I hear someone praising somebody about the way they are, I think about how amazing the person who gives the compliment is. So here is a simply beauty tip: be kind and find always something good to say about others. If you don't have anything good to say, it's maybe better to say nothing. ❤ We don't need eyes to see beauty. Sight is not essential because we can hear. How we speak, matters. ❤ If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideal of beauty would be?I have always thought that the beauty of the soul is the thing we should focus on... We come in different sizes and shapes but our inner beauty is something we can control fully and it can make us shine.

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on

I think we can always do more than what we think. People are actually very tough and adaptable. But in many cases we are also very safe and comfort-loving. The more we challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone the more pleasure and feelings of success we can get. ❤ I don't believe we can be fully satisfied if all the time we do less than what we are capable of. Underachieving is easy. But it's important that we can be proud of our own efforts.. ❤ When I'm scared to do something, I try to avoid doing it. But when I finally do it, I feel like it wasn't that terrible, impossible or hard after all. Afterwards I feel so much better beacause I did it. ❤ If you are scared or nervous about doing it, in most cases it's going to be worth it. ❤ #yoga #nudeyogagirl #nudeyoga #yogapose #yogaeverydamnday #flexibility #photographer #blackandwhitephotography #model #modeling #art #wellness #fashion #artistic #health #healthy #photooftheday #artist

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Many of you have asked about my diet and especially if I'm a vegan. In one of my previous captions I wrote that I eat with intuition by listening to my body(what it wants). No counting calories, no strict diet... ❤ The only thing that I "count" is the quality of my food and I try to nourish my body with real food. I want to feel energetic and I think we are what we eat. What you eat affects your skin and hair, your happiness, your body.. everything. Also what we eat has a huge affect on the environment and animals.. Food is a very important thing for me. ❤ I also want to invest in delicious meals and enjoy social situantions without limits. For me it's important to be flexible with my diet because when I'm travelling or being invited to a dinner party, I don't want make things too complicated because of an unflexible diet. ❤ I appreciate people who are vegan. But no, I'm not fully vegan. I don't think that dairy products are a healthy choice and I have felt better since I gave it up 4 years ago. (I also have avoided gluten and sugar for many years because I feel better without.) But I eat organic eggs and sometimes organic meat/fish. This year I've eaten more and more like a vegan and maybe some day I'm going to eat only 100% vegan food. You never know. ❤ So my diet is about 90% gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan food. But actually I never think about what I can't eat.. I just think about how can I nourish my body the best. Clean and high quality plant based food is my base. I eat mostly quinoa, rice, oats, root, vegetables, greens, berries, oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, raw cacao etc... But sometimes totally something else. ☺ What do you eat?

A photo posted by Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) on

Bora#Yoga ✨@littletahiti @angienesia✨

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