Неверојатна шминка која ќе ве натера да се запрашате што гледате

Мими Чо е мејкап артист, која прави вистинска магија со шминка. Таа создава оптички илузии на своето лице, кои ќе ве натераат да се запрашате што всушност гледате.

Зборови не се потребни... самите сфатете за што всушност се работи.

Имено, Мими е мошне амбициозна и напредна, со што сака постојано да се мотивира самата себе.

- Кога цртам оптички илузии најчесто инспирацијата ја црпам од секојдневната околина, фотографии, згради, уметнички дела и емоции. Се трудам да не ја гледам работата на други мејкап артисти, па самата се охрабрувам да направам нешто единствено. Мојата цел е секогаш кога правам некое дело, следниот пат да направам уште подобро, објаснува Мими.

If I could go back in time and tell my 20-year-old self anything: it is that terrible things will happen, but they will break you to save you. You will never be as thin or as beautiful as you have always wanted to be, but it is okay because someday you'll realize there are more valuable and attractive things about you than your exterior. The boy who took your hand when you were 19 will ask you to marry him one day. You two will hurt each other and have a lot to learn together in the years to come but don't ever doubt his love for you. Don't be so hard on yourself. You're trying your best and that's enough. You will keep messing up but you're not a disappointment. One day when you least expect it, you will finally find something that you're good at and it will reveal you. You will figure it out in your late twenties so just be patient. Everything happens for the best. Any pain will eventually fade no matter how unbearable it seems to be at the moment. Always be a positive energy. Treasure every moment because it could be the last. Tell people that you love them. Make decisions out of hope and not your fear. Your parents will tell you things that you don't want to hear but they are actually right. Family is the most important. You can be happy if you choose to be. You will eventually love yourself. You will be alright. x ____________ BROKEN • A #brokenface makeup #illusion using @makeupforeverofficial @makeupforeverca Aqua lip liners, Aqua XL pencils, artist shadows, Aqua brow and @velourlashesofficial "Whispie Sweet Nothings". All #makeup, no Photoshop.

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Been doing makeup in front of this mirror inside of my bathroom for more than 3 years now (10+ years if you count those university years when I did my own clubbing makeup, etc) No fancy lights, backdrop or even a chair -- I've always enjoyed standing in that little gap between my sink and my toilet and painting away for hours. I like tight spaces, it makes me feel secure. Sometimes I have music on, sometimes my cat sits in the sink and falls asleep while watching me... It's therapeutic. I'll be moving to a new place soon which means that I will have to adapt to a new painting environment. It's both scary and exciting at the same time because I've grown so attached to my old makeup spot. But I'll adapt and maybe it will finally motivate me to invest in better equipments. ⭐️ _________________________ "INCEPTION" #makeup illusion inspired by a photoshopped image of Paul Ryan. Used @nyxcosmetics @nyxcosmetics_canada pencil and liquid eyeliners plus matte eyeshadows for this look. Lashes are all @houseoflashes "Knockout" falsies except for the littlest ones that I had to paint on. All hand-painted, took 3 hours.

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Нас се уште не ни се верува дека таа го црта ова, а не е обично дело на Photoshop.

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